Neste MY Renewable Diesel – from awareness to lead generation
At the end of 2019 Lemm en Ten Haaf /B2B introduced Neste MY Renewable Diesel™ in the Netherlands under the guise of ‘Op weg naar een heldere toekomst’. Neste MY is a fossil-free fuel (HVO100) that can reduce GHG emissions by up to 90% and can be fuelled without any technical adaptations. Particularly suitable for organisations wanting to put their climate ambitions into action.
Duurzaam dieselen
This campaign was followed up by a new 2020 campaign, its goal being to enhance the Neste MY’s brand awareness and to realise lead generations. How? By setting up a renewed website, with propositions targeted specifically to industries dealing with precise climate goals and/or high CO2 emissions. This data driven multichannel campaign – from outdoor to radio, print and online – went by the campaign theme ‘Duurzaam dieselen’ and led possible Neste MY buyers to a whitepaper designed specifically for their industry (transport, municipalities, construction, waste and general).